watching aeroplanes flying overhead
on the hood of a car
we were smoking her last cigarette
nothing big had happened yet

she said to me
what kind of bird would you be?

i’d be an aeroplane
a silver bird
spread my wings
and leave the earth

we were parked there by a chain-link fence
on a road everybody called airport road
she stood there in the high grass
with her arms out wide and her head tilted back

the radio on
could not hear the song

for the aeroplanes
lose ‘em in the clouds
so far away
never find them now

the old high school, they never knocked it down
built a new one next door and changed the name
and the airport, still standing there
so much never went much of anywhere

i see her when i
see it there in the sky

i see an aeroplane
making its climb
can’t stay down
all of the time